Dilution Control Tech:  Backflow Prevention, E-Gap and Air Gap

E-Gap Eductor
Water coming in from the top and chemical enters from the right.

Air Gap Eductor
Water coming in from the top and chemical enter from the right. If water and chemical wants to flow back, an air gap breaks the flow.


Backflow prevetion is a common topic when it comes to chemical dilution control systems that are connected to water systems. Hillyard Arsenal® II and Arsenal Junior® dilution control systems both contain backflow prevention in the form of an E-gap eductor.  The eductors may be gray (low flow) or yellow (high flow) and are present in the Arsenal II and Arsenal Junior systems. 

The eductor operates on the venturi principle; as water flows through the E-gap eductor a vacuum is formed. The vacuum draws the cleaning concentrate into the water stream.  An elastomeric sleeve expands during operation to allow water to pass through to the venturi where it mixes with the cleaning concentrate.  When not in operation, the elastomeric sleeve contracts to form a tight seal, preventing cleaning concentrate from back flowing into the fresh water supply. 
The E-gap eductors used in the Arsenal II and Arsenal Junior family of dilution control meet American Society of Sanitary Engineering (ASSE) standard 1055.

The Arsenal II and Arsenal Junior dispensers are also available with air gap (AG) eductors for compliance with local plumbing codes that may require an air gap for backflow prevention.  The air gap eductors also meet ASSE 1055.  If you have any questions on the Arsenal dilution control system, please contact the Technical Service team at 800-365-1555 or techservice@hillyard.com.




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