Restroom Care Foaming Restroom Cleaner Fragrance: Floral Color: Light Amber ph: 1.00 - 1.50 For use specifically with The Connect System foaming attachment, item number HIL99611. Formulated to remove stubborn soap scum, urinary salts, body oils, and hard water deposits in restrooms and shower areas. Its special blend of detergents, mild acid cleaners, and ability to cling to vertical surfaces delivers excellent results, every time. Green Select® Bathroom Cleaner Fragrance: Floral Color: Green ph: 4.00 - 5.00 Green Select Bathroom Cleaner is formulated to be non-toxic, phosphate free, biodegradable, and non-flammable. Contains no hazardous ingredients and is formulated with glycolic acid, the same organic acid found in sugar cane, beets and fruits. Effective cleaning removes soap film and hard water deposits. Good for cleaning ceramic tile, porcelain, sinks, toilet bowls, fiberglass, plastic, chrome, showers, and bathroom surfaces. Dilution Rate: 1:20 - 1:12 Item Pack 4 - 1 Gallon Containers Hillyard Connect System® Dilution Rate: 1:32 Item HIL0060725 Pack 4 - 2.5 Liter Containers Germicidal Bowl Cleaner Fragrance: Pungent Acid Color: White ph: <1 EPA Reg. No. 8155-3-1658 HIL0096206 A powerful, one-step bowl cleaner that cleans, deodorizes, and disinfects in one operation. Rich sudsing action instantly dissolves tough iron, calcium, and lime stains, leaving toilet bowls and urinals sparkling clean. Formulated with a special safety inhibitor to protect pipes and traps. Will not harm the bacterial action in septic tanks. Active Ingredients: Hydrogen Chloride 23.00%, n-Alkyl (C12 40%, C14 50%, C16 10%) dimethyl benzyl ammonium chlorides 0.05%. Other Ingredients: 76.95%. Dilution Rate: RTU Item HIL0010204 HIL0010206 Pack 12 - 1 Quart Bottles 4 - 1 Gallon Containers Arsenal System® Dilution Rate: 1:20 Item HIL0082904 HIL0082906 HIL0082922 HIL0082991 HIL8882906 Pack 12 - 1 Quart Bottles 4 - “F” Style 1 Gallon Containers 6 - 1/2 Gallon Containers 72 - 1.5 oz. Packets 4 - “88” Series 1 Gallon Containers Cleaning Companion® Dilution Rate: 1:20 Item HIL0070822 Pack 6 - 1/2 Gallon Containers HCL-145® Fragrance: Mint Color: Purple ph: <1 EPA Reg. No. 8155-19-1658 A powerful, one-step bowl cleaner, thickened with detergent to help it cling to surfaces for longer, improved cleaning performance. This unique cleaner works fast to remove rust, lime and uric acid deposits. Active Ingredients: Hydrogen Chloride 14.50%, n-Alkyl (C14 60%, C16 30%, C12 5%, C18 5%) dimethyl benzyl ammonium chlorides 0.05%, n-Alkyl (C12 68%, C14 32%) dimethylethyl benzyl ammonium chlorides 0.05%. Other Ingredients: 85.40%. Dilution Rate: RTU Item HIL0009704 Pack 12 - 1 Quart Bottles Light Acid Bowl Cleaner Fragrance: Sassafras Color: Blue ph: <1 EPA Reg. No. 8155-4-1658 A thick, mild formula bowl cleaner that cleans and deodorizes in one easy operation. Clings to vertical surfaces and bowl mops for more effective cleaning action. Its rich sudsing action quickly dissolves iron, calcium, and lime stains, leaving the bowl sparkling clean. Formulated with special safety inhibitors to protect pipes and traps when used as directed. Active Ingredients: Hydrogen Chloride 9.00%, n- Alkyl (C12 40%, C14 50%, C16 10%) dimethyl benzyl ammonium chlorides 0.05%. Other Ingredients: 90.95%. Dilution Rate: RTU Item HIL0010304 HIL0010307 Pack 12 - 1 Quart Bottles 1 - 5 Gallon Pail 89